obese states in the US

Most Obese and Overweight States in the US

Obesity continues to affect every state within the US, and despite our best attempts to tackle the issue, over 32 percent of men and 34 percent of women are considered obese by BMI (Body Mass Index) standards. And although we have several means of collecting the data — to include the Center of Disease Control …


Childhood Obesity Rates by State: Ranking from Highest to Lowest

Childhood obesity continues to be a major challenge within the US, and despite our best attempts to tackle the issue, 1 in 5 children and adolescents are affected by it. And although we have several means of collecting the data — to include the Center of Disease Control (CDC), the National Center for Children’s Health …

health inequality

Medically Underserved Areas Map Shows Vulnerable and Underserved Populations

Medically underserved areas (MUA) are areas where certain populations — usually rural — are subject to a lack of primary care and have high levels of poverty, infant mortality, and elderly people. As designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), these “shortage areas” can have both a “population” and “geographic” identify. For example, …