
Childhood Obesity Rates by State: Ranking from Highest to Lowest

Childhood obesity continues to be a major challenge within the US, and despite our best attempts to tackle the issue, 1 in 5 children and adolescents are affected by it. And although we have several means of collecting the data — to include the Center of Disease Control (CDC), the National Center for Children’s Health …

Divorce rate in United States

Divorce Rate by State: Assessing Marriage in the USA

Divorce rates differ from state to state and unfortunately, some states are a little higher than others. And although we have fairly accurate scientific surveys — such as the American Community Survey used below — there isn’t one singular source of information that can effectively tell the entire story of divorce in the United States …

Episcopal Statistics

Are Churches Dying in America? Let’s Look at the Data

As an American millennial, there’s a common “proclamation” that I hear amongst my same-age brethren — it sounds something like, “Oh yeah, I’m a Catholic” or “Yep, been a Baptist my whole life.” But despite what verbally came out of their mouth in that fantastically unadulterated moment, what most of them are really trying to …

Are Gun Policies Really Working? Compare Outcomes Using This Tool

Are gun policies really working in America? According to the Gun Policy Outcome Explorer by the RAND Corporation, it depends on who you ask. While gun possession is largely (and constitutionally) protected in the United States, the often tragic results of such possession – firearm homicides, murders, mass shootings — aren’t always discussed equally. And …

rat in new york

New York Has A Rat Map And It’s Pretty F’n Awesome

New York has a rat map and it’s pretty F’n awesome! Officially known as the Rat Information Portal (or more fittingly, the R.I.P.), the “NYC rat map” lets you visualize the insane amount of rats in New York City. Not only does it show you active “hot spots” across the City, but you’re actually able …

Protests And Civil Unrest: What Police Think

The death of George Floyd sparked protests and civil unrest across the country on a scale that hasn’t been seen since the 1960’s. And all of us, participants or not, have to sit back and think about the sheer magnitude of it all. Because unlike other racially charged events since Dr. King’s assassination — that …

The Many COVID Tools Available

As of this writing, COVID-19 has killed 296,000 Americans and more than 108,000 are hospitalized. Needless to say, deaths are likely to substantially increase in the coming months. The good news? A vaccine is days away. The bad news? Distribution looks pretty difficult. In the meantime however, there are several tools you can use to …