gerrymandering in florida

Use These Interactive Tools To Better Understand Gerrymandering

Gerrymandering is the process of manipulating an electoral boundary to favor one political party’s interest over another. For example, if you have a state where 30% of the population is Republican and 70% of the population is Democrat, a gerrymandered state (in this situation) would mean that Republicans control the majority of districts despite the …

bias in the media

Use This Media Bias Chart To Determine News Reliability

In an era of social media and 24-hour news, it’s hard to differentiate between what’s reliable and what isn’t. Fortunately for us, however, Ad Fontes Media and creator Vanessa Otero are trying to change that. Creating the Media Bias Chart in 2016, Vanessa Otero has steadily built the once static chart into a fully interactive …

low income housing

White House Recognizes the Need for Zoning Reform

Just before Juneteenth, in a very extraordinary moment for the Nation, the White House recognized “exclusionary zoning” and its effect on racial discrimination in the housing market for the first time. In the White House blog (yes they have a blog), authors Cecilia Rouse, Jared Bernstein, Helen Knudsen, and Jeffery Zhang wrote about Juneteenth — …


Interactive Maps to Better Understand the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

With the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raging on, we’ve put together a quick list of interactive maps to better understand what’s happening in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. And, as always, feel free to explore more web mapping applications and interactive data tools found on this site. 1. Conquer and Divide: Interactive map illustrating …

Are Gun Policies Really Working? Compare Outcomes Using This Tool

Are gun policies really working in America? According to the Gun Policy Outcome Explorer by the RAND Corporation, it depends on who you ask. While gun possession is largely (and constitutionally) protected in the United States, the often tragic results of such possession – firearm homicides, murders, mass shootings — aren’t always discussed equally. And …

Capitol Rioters

Hate Groups In the United States: Using The SPLC Tool

Hate groups in the United States come in many different forms — white nationalist, anti-LGBTQ, skinheads, neo-confederates, etc. — but how many of them actually exist? Well, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who has been fighting hate groups since 1971, there are over 1600 extremist groups and 940 hate groups currently operating in …

Protests And Civil Unrest: What Police Think

The death of George Floyd sparked protests and civil unrest across the country on a scale that hasn’t been seen since the 1960’s. And all of us, participants or not, have to sit back and think about the sheer magnitude of it all. Because unlike other racially charged events since Dr. King’s assassination — that …

Analyzing The 2020 Election: A Look At Every Swing State

This is an introduction for our first series: Analyzing the 2020 Election: A Look at Every Swing State As we continue to sift through the 2020 election data, analyzing every detail and trying to gain some sort of consensus about what it all means, it’s important to look at what we already know and see …