Texas Violent Crimes

Most Dangerous Cities in Texas: Ranking from Highest to Lowest

Crime in Texas is a complex issue and there isn’t one singular piece of data that can effectively tell the entire story of crime within the state and the underlying issues associated with it. However, there are several data sources and tools that can be used at the city level to address the issue and …

urban change over 60 years in Atlanta

Physical Space is Disappearing – That Should Worry Us More

As human demands for convenience increase, so too does our appetite for physical space. And space, regardless of how much we think we have, is disappearing at an alarming rate, showing a human appetite that is not only irresponsible, but one that is entirely unsustainable and inherently selfish. Some of our choices, like development and …

homelessness found throughout the United States

Homeless Population by State: Homelessness Maps

Homelessness is a complex issue and there isn’t one singular piece of data that can effectively tell the entire story of homelessness and the greater need for housing in the United States. However, there are several data sources and tools that can be used at the community level to address the issue and some, like …

health inequality

Medically Underserved Areas Map Shows Vulnerable and Underserved Populations

Medically underserved areas (MUA) are areas where certain populations — usually rural — are subject to a lack of primary care and have high levels of poverty, infant mortality, and elderly people. As designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), these “shortage areas” can have both a “population” and “geographic” identify. For example, …

Cartoon depicting equity vs equality

Equity vs. Equality: Using Tools to Explain the Difference

Equity and Equality are similar concepts, but two very different things. Equality is a means of treating everyone equally despite socioeconomic differences while Equity is a means of treating everyone circumstantially in order to provide marginalized or disadvantaged groups with the tools and resources they NEED to succeed. For comparison, think about socioeconomic issues within …

interactive social justice tool

Interactive Social Justice Tools For Learning, Teaching, and Planning

Interactive social justice tools are out there, but they’re pretty hard to find. Sometimes, they’re a little too teacher-based and reactive in nature, and other times, they’re really good, but completely unknown to the average observer and scattered across the internet. Lucky for you, however, we’ve compiled a list of the best and most useful …

predatory flipper

A House Flipper Texted Me Using “Skip Tracing” – Here’s What I Found Out

So there I was, doing my thing, running some work errands, trying to keep things in order when all of the sudden, I receive a text message from a stranger. Would you sell 111 Pacific Ave or do you want to just keep it? If you’d rather not text, just say END A little taken …

woman in prison

What Happens To Women When They Leave Prison?

Each year, over 630,000 people leave state and federal prisons and return home. And whether they serve a a couple months or a multi-year sentence, 93% will eventually be released and asked to reintegrate back into their community. But, when they do finally return home, it’s not exactly an ideal situation. In most cases, they’ll …

gerrymandering in florida

Use These Interactive Tools To Better Understand Gerrymandering

Gerrymandering is the process of manipulating an electoral boundary to favor one political party’s interest over another. For example, if you have a state where 30% of the population is Republican and 70% of the population is Democrat, a gerrymandered state (in this situation) would mean that Republicans control the majority of districts despite the …

NYC Environmental Justice

EPA EJSCREEN: The Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool

EPA EJSCREEN: The Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool: Article by John Garner According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmental justice is defined as the “fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and …